
In April 2023, I undertook a two day immersion in ‘The Science, Art & Alchemy of our unique Integral Sound Healing process - working with Crystal Singing Bowls for sound healing’ facilitated through the Academy of Sound Healing and guided by Siobhan Swider (Professional Harpist, Sound Practitioner, Aromatherapy and Crystal Therapist).

The purpose of this undertaking was to learn to work with Crystal Singing bowls specifically to aid in relaxation, aid a sense of balance, plus become familiar with various Sound Healing techniques.

I had had some experience with Bowls, my voice, and various instruments throughout my initial teacher training and mentorship and on a personal level I felt drawn to continue my exploration of sound. I feel that sound is hugely fascinating, whilst also being inclusive and diverse.

I feel that playing with sound either in a Yoga class, or in a sole sound session, the responsibility is placed on the individual, the participant.

Of course, as a guide I will have some intention, a few points to use as a way-point, but truly what yourself/ the student/ the recipient gets out of the session is really personal. I think we can sometimes get caught in separating ourselves from our healing, from our practice. We anticipate that the guide at the top of the room will have all the answers, or that they have the responsibility to do the work, whilst we think simply turning up will ‘tick the box’.

Sound doesn’t leave to much room to hide. Experiencing sound healing/ a sound bath can be relaxing, but it also can be a very deep practice of dissonance and ease, a practice of specifics, maybe asking us to work with the throat chakra for example, or the heart space. It can be a revealing, thought provoking practice.

When we come to the mat, when we come to the guide, we are looking for something, we are seeking something perhaps we cannot achieve solely, or can’t articulate, identify etc, but we have the power, with guidance, to be our own healers, to be our own guides. We cannot continue to only look outward, yes find guides, yes find practitioners, but also trust out own innate selves, be our own gurus. Use the tools taught in class, spoke of in literature to help us in our day-to-day practice of being practicing householders in a modern world.

Sound can be bowls, Gongs, voice, etc. It can remove some of the barriers that maybe hold us back from engaging in a ‘spiritual’ or ‘healing’ practice.

Perhaps it’s as simple as a language barrier, a physical barrier, a barrier created in fear and self doubt. Sound is universal and does not necessarily require anything ‘outwardly’ just simply an open ear, trust and a want to know self.

In my want to continue deepening my exploration of sound, at the beginning of 2024 I undertook my Gong Practitioner training with the Gong Master (Yoga Teacher and Studio owner) Leigh, at Notley Yoga, Great Notley, Essex. A beautiful and dedicated space where we could undertake our four day Gong Training accredited course.

Spread over four months, we embarked on a personal journey learning to play and experience the gongs firsthand. Playing these majestic healing instruments it feels like your in communication with the universe. The way the Gongs can communicate and be meaningfully utilised to help us with healing and with our practice is something that can only be experienced.

Upon successfully completing my training, I have gathered my instruments and am pleased to announce that I will be hosting Gong baths.

Please find the booking link for my next Gong Bath below;

Sunday 22nd September 2024, The Old Joinery, Colchester,

7:30pm - 8:30pm

*limited spaces available*

A little more information about attending a sound experience:

In our time together we are bathed in sound. We use the frequencies of sound to realign our bodies and look to move, from dis-ease to ease, from a place of unbalanced, to balanced.

What to expect:

You will be invited to make yourself exceptionally comfortable (props will need to bought by the participant, a yoga mat will be provided) You will be asked to lie back, close your eyes and indulge as the different instruments are played bathing you in vibration, facilitating relaxation and taking you on a meditative journey.

(If lying down really is not beneficial to you, please let me know and a chair can be made available. Blankets, blocks, eye masks, bolsters etc are still encouraged even if seated to ease relaxation and comfort)

Ideal Prop list:

A mat (a second mat can make for extra comfiness)

A pillow (for head)

A blanket (or a few)

A bolster

An eye pillow

Dress for comfort & warmth & please bring some water.

Our time together may start with a small description of what we will be undertaking dependant on the experience level within the room.

We will then take time to ground in the present moment with a delicate breathing exercise. Once we have settled and are as comfortable as possible, eyes closed, I will begin to play the various instruments

(It can be very tempting to look at what I am doing, but please try and avoiding doing so. The magic can easily be lost when we try to understand, over think and ‘see behind the curtain’)

The sounds access certain brainwaves frequencies, inviting this sense of clearing, meditation and peacefulness. These sounds can deeply affect you, bringing about emotional shifts or a sense of peace. There is no right or wrong way to experience a sound bath, if you are concerned before the event, please do just reach out and ask any questions.

Shifting during the Gong bath, a need for grounding, eye opening, or needing to sit up momentarily during a gong bath is perfectly OK. Please just remain aware of your neighbours.

Finally there will be silence following the Gong bath, this is know as ‘Sunyata’ the sacred silence, and is an essential part of the practice.

I only ask you do not steal from yourself and anticipate anything specific, we are simply accessing the present state, moving out of our own way and practicing softening, presence and balance.

After the bath:

You may feel differently after each bath, as stated previously there is no right or wrong.

You may feel the after affects for a few days after, be kind to yourself, observe, it may vary from sluggishness, to bounds of energy.  Remember to keep in mind that you had been through a sound experience and this will be shifting through you.

Continue to hydrate, perhaps more so than usual.

Of course, if you are truly concerned, do reach out to myself.


(I require that you review these FAQs before attending a Gong bath)

If you have any significant physical, mental, or emotional concerns, please reach out beforehand.

If you have a hearing aid, tinnitus, metal implants, are pregnant, epileptic, or have a pacemaker, contact myself here.

A ‘Consent Form’ will be issued after booking, completion and return of this email if essential.

And finally….

My intention is certainly to carry on with further training in this field!

I am so pleased to be able to bring in sound to my Yoga classes and to be able to provide sound & Gong baths for small or large groups. With my various (ever growing!) instrument collection in tow, it would be my honour to hold space for you, to let the bowls/ Gongs sing and to facilitate you nourishing yourself authentically and deeply personally.

Let me know if this is something I can provide.

Plus feel free to touch base with my social media if that’s your jam.